
I am not a doctor. I am providing information based on experiences that my mom has with natural remedies. The purpose of this blog is to help folks to educate themselves. Use this information with your own discernment.

13 July 2010

Who Do You Write Like?

Thanks to my Blogger Bud, SK Waller for finding this fun little writing analyzing tool.

Check her out - she's a very good writer:  http://incurable-insomniac.blogspot.com/

I analyzed my last blog post, here's my result...

I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!


  1. No wonder I love reading your post. I read everything I could get my hands on that Stephen King wrote. Then one night hubby was out of town on business. The weather was so cold and the wind was howling. I started reading. We have a big shop that is beside and to the back of our house. My son and his friend had been working on their rigs out there. They left a big plastic cup on the ground. I had fallen asleep reading one of Stephen's scary books. That damn cup started hitting the side of the house right under my bedroom window over my bed. It was being blow time and again into the wall outside. They had other trash out there as well, pizza boxes...etc. It scared the hell out of me. I was afraid to look out. I was afraid to get out of bed to get my son. His room was downstairs. I screamed and beat the floor until he woke up. I was about to call the police. My imagination was going full bore after reading and the wind howling and the beating on the house. My son did come to the rescue and take his little behind out there in the wind to clean up the mess. My hubby and son never let me live it down. Needless to say I have curbed my reading of scary books...lol. Not sure why I shared this blabber with you. I hope you at least got a little smile out of it. This was years ago and your post triggered that memory.

    Susan I am so thrilled that your mom is getting positive results using the accupunture. Glad you are having more peaceful days and living with less stress.

    I will check out your friends blog. Something new to read when my insomnia is bothering me. LOL! Have a great day today. Blessings, Karen

  2. Thanks for the comment, Karen. I love that my writing has triggered a funny memory for you. Thank you for sharing it with my readers and me!
