
I am not a doctor. I am providing information based on experiences that my mom has with natural remedies. The purpose of this blog is to help folks to educate themselves. Use this information with your own discernment.

13 February 2010

Wait a Minute

We had a bit of a rough day yesterday, mostly because I was exhausted and when I'm tired, I think I suck at Care Giving; blind to reasoning that is no better than my mom who is demented.

Every time I go through a rough patch with my mom, as I'm living through it, I often get the feeling that things will stay this way forever.  It's not logical to think this way because I know in my logical mind that everything changes, nothing stays the same, just like the seasons change, so do events that occur in our lives.

So why do I fall into the pitty pit?

I'm not really sure, I suspect it's because I'm human and not a spirit or saint.  I do know that when I'm tired, when I have not had enough rest, I free fall into the pitty pit... sometimes head first.  Yesterday, was a day like this for me.  I was expecting to pay for my emotions with another night of unrest. 

My mom got mad at me yesterday.  She wanted to go out but I was working and couldn't take her out.  Putting her hat and coat on, she told me that she was going out.  I asked her where she was going and she told me that she needed to go to a store. 

Instead of stopping her like I usually do I said, "Ok.  Good luck with that.  Do you know our address so that when the cops pick you up because you are lost you can tell them where you live?"  I walked back to my office.

Later in the afternoon I was bringing a bag of trash out and I noticed  her footsteps on the front walk.  It made me laugh out loud.  She went out, took about 10 steps and turned back and went inside.  I gave my mom her freedom to leave and she decided not to go.

Could it be that I gave her the permission to leave that allowed her to sleep through the night last night?  One of her issues from last week came about because my mom felt like a prisoner.  I wouldn't let her go out roaming, I was afraid she'd get lost.  Yesterday, I said screw it... she didn't leave, the afternoon was much better and she had a good sleep.

I was up at 6am this morning and the house was silent.  This morning I was able to wake up and jump out of bed saying my favorite phrase... "Today is a GREAT Day!"  I love starting my day with a positive mantra; today we will have a very good day because it's what I decree.

I didn't make the subliminal recording for my mom yesterday.  My voice was too tense and I didn't want the tension to come through in the recording for fear that it would have a negative affect.  I waited, like my dad taught me. Today I will make the recording.  If I can have my mom record the phrases in her own voice, that will be ideal.  If not, we have a similar sounding voice and mine could work.

My new mantra on days that appear bad... "Wait a minute Susie... things will change."


  1. Love the positive application of the theory I mentioned! And I'm very impressed with your sacrifice, passion, and love for caring.

  2. So touched by this post Susan that I made it one of my Posts of the Week at: http://alittleprecious.wordpress.com

    I always think that God chooses responsibly for these situations. I so admire your care-giving and patience.

  3. jalexandrov... it's a great principle. Your post reminded me of what my dad taught me many moons ago. Thank you for the inspiration that I needed to write this post.

    Cleo... thank you for making my post a post of the week on your blog and introducing me to other blogs that you read.
